DIY Chicken Treats
by Cheryl L. McClure
- 2 cups layer crumbles
- 2 cups scratch
- 1 cup of an Omega3 feed supplement like Omega Egg Maker
- 4 cups oatmeal
- 1 cup cornmeal
- 1 cup Cracked Corn
- 3/4 cup Wheat Germ
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- 1 cup Calendula petals (optional) like Starwest Botanicals Organic Calendula Flowers
- 3 eggs, beaten, include finely crushed shells
- 2 finely diced apples
- 1 cup applecauce
- 2 cups molasses
- 3 cups water
- 1/2 cup melted Coconut Oil (or any oil)
Mix all dry ingredients together in one bowl. Mix all wet ingredients in another bowl. Add wet to dry ingredients, mix well.
The mixture should hold together and not be oozing liquid. If it is still watery, soak up excess water with bread, squeeze the liquid out and then add bread pieces back into mix. Combine.
Bake for 2 hours. After baking turn off the stove and leave the blocks in the oven for several hours until cool. Remove when completely cool.
Hang that baby out and the chickens will have a grand time snacking!!
Our chickens spend most of their time in a protected fenced area so they are not easily exposed to predators. When they get to free range we babysit them so they are safe and our vegetable garden is safe as well as the landscape that they typically like to scratch up! This is a great way to supplement our chickens with fresh grass even though mowing in the fall and winter is not uncommon so we can always give them the bagged clippings as well.
Here's what to do!
- Use any container. We used an old hospital wash pan
- Add some soil to the bottom
- Sprinkle Rye Grain Seeds on top, press it in and cover with about a 1/8" of plain soil or potting soil
- Lightly water
- Place in greenhouse or put saran wrap over the top and put in a sunny area
In 2 - 3 weeks you will have grass!
Cluck cluck cluk!!
- Use any clear plastic container bottom. We used an old oblong storage container
- Rough up the area where you want the grass to grow. Make sure it will get a lot of sun
- Sprinkle Rye Grain Seeds on top, press it in and cover with about a 1/8" of soil
- Lightly water
- Place the storage container upside down over the area planted
- Pin down the sides with metal pins so the chickens won't move it
In 2 - 3 weeks you will have grass!
Happy chicken treating!
Cheryl @ Pickle Creek Ranch