Body and Foot Soak Made Easy
by Cheryl L. McClure
There are two ways to use epsom salts and essential oils from your EMPTY bottles! You will end up with a jar or two of epsom salts with all the oils saturated in it. You will also have some awesome, soothing water containing the epsom salts and essential oils you just used to make your salts jars! Plus you will have empty, clean bottles to recycle and use for your own blends, rollerball blends and samples to give to friends. Win Win!
Start with some epsom salts - just the pure kind with no herbal additives. Then get your empty oil bottles. I only use Young Living essential oils, why? Because they have the Seed to Seal guarantee to be top quality!
Basically, soak all your empty bottles (without the labels) in epsom salts and then you have a wonderful aromatic blend to add to your bath.
Then, after removing the bottles from epsom salts, soak them in hot water and you have foot soak solution or a liquid epsom salt blend to add to the bath!
EZ instructions:
For Epsom Salts
All in all, I wound up with a three or four ball jars of salts and 5 or 6 bottles of soaking solution. There is no hard, fast rule to amounts. So however many bottles you have, just fill and cover them with salts and go from there.
2. Submerse all the bottles, stoppers and lids in a jar of epsom salts and let them permeate for about a week or two.
3. After emptying and separating, store epsom salts in a container for the bath. I just realized the container I used for the salts was from a candle I burned wayyyyy back before diffusers!! Haha! I remember that was such a great jar. It was good for storing many things.
For Body or Foot Soak
Follow steps 1, 2 and 3
4. After bottles, lids and stoppers have been emptied, place them in a pot or large bowl.
5. Boil some water and pour over all the parts.
6. Let cool and and take parts out to separate for washing.
7. Pour oily water through a sieve and funnel into swing top bottles. I recycled some from Pumpkin Cider we got at Aldi's! You can also get them on Amazon.
8. Rinse, repeat, and wash with Thieves Dish Soap so you can save for samples or additional blends to make yourself!
To alter the bath salts or water, add specific oils of choice and/or baking soda.
Happy Oiling!
Cheryl @ Pickle Creek Ranch
Young Living Independent Distributor #1176855
#diybath #footsoak #bodysoak #epsomsalts #makeyourown #youngliving #aromaticbath #spa #diy #essentialoils