Instant Pot Egg Frittata
by Cheryl L. McClure
The first thing I made was black eyed peas without meat, just to test it out and see how good it would make the black eyed peas taste. That simple recipe far exceeded our expectations so we were excited to try more recipes. I didn't even use greens or meat in it and it was fantastic!
Whenever I first started cooking with it, the main thing I wanted to know is what size pot is the recipe made for?? A lot of recipes did not clarify qt size so I wanted to make sure that is done here. This is for a 6 quart instant pot LUX and for this recipe I used a 7" silicone cake pan.
I have decided I need to save links or document what I have cooked so I can find the recipe easily. I am not one of those people who can just “throw something together”. I am always thinking, was that 1 cup or 2? Did I cook it for 20 minutes or 30? UGH. Some people seem to have that knack and come up with all kinds of tasty creations on the fly. I am, um, more like... cooking challenged!! I need help. LOL!
I recently purchased the steamer baskets and this silicone cake pan from QVC but you can find them on Amazon too. It was on sale and I know I am going to be steaming vegetables in the instant pot, because I am lazy. ? I don’t want to boil a pot of water and have to watch it and then have to strain it, etc. I’d rather do it this way…. anyway, back to breakfast.
Since it looked pretty small I figured I should make darn sure everything I whisk together will fit in it. It holds 3-1/4 cups water so I guesstimated it all.
We feed the eggshells back to our chickens so I put them in a previously used plastic blueberry container with a lid. I can stick this under the sink out of the way while they dry out before crushing to feed back to the chickens.
After the time was up and it beeped, I used the natural pressure release which took about 10 more minutes. I always flip the pressure release lever for a second to check and see if the pressure has gone. Well worth the wait. It had puffed up even more than in this picture but settled just a little. It was perfect!!
Makes 6 servings.
4 eggs
1/2 cup milk
2 slices ham, chopped
1 small baked potato, chopped (baked, peeled and chopped)
1/4-1/2 cup grated cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
- Spray baking pan or coat with oil
- Add 1 cup water and trivet to instant pot
- Mix all ingredients together
- Pour mixture into pan
- Top with additional grated cheese and place cover on top
- Set Manual Pressure to 20 minutes
- NPR - Let pressure release naturally - takes about 10 minutes
I hope you enjoy this dish as much as we did!!
Have a good day!
Cheryl @ Pickle Creek Ranch
Young Living Independent Distributor #1176855